"So, I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars"
-lyrics by Woodie Guthrie and performed by Billy Bragg



I hate that I wait so long to update that I have to address several random topics in one post. I’ll just mention the cutest first:

Introducing my brand-new (and first) nephew, Liam! At ten pounds even, he already has fat rolls! I don’t know where my sis-in-law stands on the issue, but by the looks of him I think he probably had a couple of burritos in there. Maybe even some full-flavored cold ones. Congrats, Eric and Marian, on becoming a party of five!

Chris and I have been suffering through another one of his long stretches of twelve-hour shifts. It wouldn’t be that bad if we weren’t on totally different work schedules. I guess I should count my blessings; at least we aren’t on other end of the country from each other. We’ve been spoiled by all the time outdoors that we’ve had together recently. The weather is warming up (with the exception of this weekend) which means bike rides, grilling out, and more climbing. And we’ve been attending a church that we enjoy. Our lives have been blessed a hundred times over in the almost nine years we’ve been together. Sometimes I wonder how it could get better than this.

A small tribulation: we have mice. Thus, no recipe tonight, people. My culinary skills haven’t surpassed jambalaya from the box in weeks. Just knowing what could have been scurrying around my cooking space….my heart’s just not in it. For a long time, I’d say since I started PT school, cooking was my only hobby. I didn’t have much time to devote to anything else but studying, but we had to eat, right? I tried dozens of new recipes in the three years of PT school. I don’t know if I got burned out or if the mice sealed the deal, but getting creative in the kitchen doesn’t light my fire like it used to. I’m hoping when this whole pest issue is resolved my desire to cook will be re-kindled. Meanwhile I’m channeling all my domestic urges into quilting. Here’s another sneak peak of the quilt top I’ve been working on:

(Aren't peonies the most flamboyant flowers ever? Love them!)
I’m halfway done machine-piecing the top. I can’t look at these fabrics without falling more in love with them. And I can’t wait to see the finished project, and even more see how it looks after it’s been washed a dozen times and worn in. I honestly don’t know where my recent obsession with quilts has come from. I didn’t grow up snoozing under passed-down quilts, though I wish I had. In fact, my grandmother is working on finishing her first quilt as we speak, at 88 years old. She taught me to hand sew when I was eight, and it’s always been an activity that is very calming to me. Just the thought that my finished project may be something that is loved and treasured makes the hours put into it so worth it. Even if it doesn’t turn out perfect.

Lastly, everyone who knows me knows I have some issues with our current habitat. I won’t get into that here. But one day last week as I was coming home from work a flash of yellow caught my eye:

And in the back, almost hiding was another silver lining to the storm cloud that has been the saga of our poorly maintained abode:

Maybe this old house ain't so bad, afterall.


  1. Oh, wow, your quilt colors are so beautiful! I love those fabrics.

  2. Thanks, girl! I wanted it to be really girly, and it definitely is. Hope to finish the top by the end of the week so I can pick out the backing!
