"So, I'd give this world
Just to dream a dream with you
On our bed of California stars"
-lyrics by Woodie Guthrie and performed by Billy Bragg


Kindness of Strangers (and neighbors)

Since moving to California, Chris and I have been blessed with many small kindnesses from strangers. I say ‘small’ because it may have seemed insignificant to the bestower, but to us has made a world of difference. In a town of 3,500 people it is probably easy to spot the newcomers, and though we are used to a big city, a small community can seem large when you know only a handful of people. It is amazing how welcome we have felt in such a small amount of time. From one of Chris’ co-workers bringing us a Christmas tree when otherwise we would have had none, to a woman I have never met two houses down baking us a casserole. And her timing couldn’t have been more perfect-it showed up after one of our first P90X workouts. (I’ll save how much I detest that Tony guy for another post.)

So I’ve spent the good part of the afternoon baking cookies for the sweet casserole lady, and since I started this blog on a food note, I decided to include my recipe. These cookies are oh so divine, and I got the recipe from my oldest brother, Eric. Ever since he baked us a batch on one our visits to the Blue Ridge Mountains, we have requested them ever time. This is usually after a couple of post-meal beverages, which is probably why he always obliges. I’m not sure where he got it, so forgive me if I don’t give credit to the sent from heaven god or goddess that developed it.

Peanut Butter Cookies (with Hershey kisses on top)

½ cup butter (1 stick)
½ cup white sugar
½ cup brown sugar
½ cup peanut butter
1 egg
¾ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 ¼ cup flour
¼ teas. Salt

Mix sugar, butter, and PB in bowl. Add egg. Stir in other ingredients. Form dough into small balls and put on cookie sheet. Press down balls with back of fork (use a little flour and the dough won’t stick to the fork).

Bake at 350 for about 10-12 minutes. Immediately put a Hershey kiss in the center of each cookie.

Try to eat just one. I dare you.


The Big Cheese

So. Here it is. This posting has been on my to-do list ever since I decided to start a blog; it was just missing one essential element-a subject. And since this is my first post, well it comes with certain baggage attached to it. I mean, this one post could determine if you, my reader (here's hoping I have at least one) ever returns to my page. I have to make it worth your while, spark your interest so to speak.

But what to write about? What about my life is that interesting? You really want to keep reading now, don't you? But seriously. I am a thirty-year old who lives and works like the rest of us, just trying to stay up late enough to catch Conan while he still hosts the Tonight Show. I have a dog. My husband and I are still pleasant to one another, no drama there. This doesn't qualify as a Mommy-blog, because I have no kids. I don't have any expert advice to offer on gardening, house-keeping, or what movie to rent on Friday night.

But I do like to eat.

My wise friend Sally says that to make a blog interesting you don't necessarily have to be good at something, you just have to be passionate about it. You have to love it so much that you want to write about it on a regular basis.

I'm passionate about food. And good at eating it. That automatically puts me a step ahead, right?

So, since this is my first post, and shouldn't my first post tell you something about who I am, I decided to tell you about my favorite food. This is my cheese post.

Now, I understand that cheese may be the detriment of some. All you lactose intolerant folks out there, I applaud you. Because I cannot imagine my life without cheese. I may could go vegetarian someday. But vegan-no way, no how. I simply have not met a cheese I didn't like. There are cheeses out there that have not touched my palate, but chances are I'll like them. In fact, I think it's high time for me to expand my horizons and try some new ones. Maybe that will be post #2.

I am in no way a cheese connoisseur, if there were such a thing. I just met the sweet goodness of feta a mere 3 years ago. A big block of Velveeta is in my fridge as we speak. I will even have some string cheese on occasion; and I have to admit, when I see a can of spray cheese on tv my mouth waters a little bit. But I draw the line at parmesan in a can. If you take anything from my blog, take this: put fresh parmesan that you grate on your next spagetti dish and you will never go back. Seriously. Delicious. Chris and I could be poor and living on food stamps, and we'd have a block of parmesan in our fridge. It is that good. And necessary.

I am a woman of faith and I love my husband; so I'm not saying cheese is a substitute for either; but when you've had a bad day I don't know what can heal your ails better than a bowl of hot cheese dip with some salsa on the side. And maybe a margarita. But with or without tequila, cheese can soothe the soul.
